Interschool Sport
Our Years Five & Six students participate in Interschool Sport competing against other schools in our network. Students who do not partake, as sports are subject to the amount of players on each team, participate in the Sports Club or our Life Skills Program at school. School sport also provides important connections to community sporting organisations that help encourage a child’s lifelong participation in healthy activities.
We aim to have students at Keilor Views Primary School feeling safe and confident in the water. A ten day extensive swimming program is run during Term Four, for Years Prep to Four. This program forms part of the Health and Physical Education Program. Our Year 5 & 6 students participate in an annual Swimming Carnival and then have the opportunity to represent KVPS at district level, competing against other schools.
School Camps
All children have the opportunity to attend a school camp from Year Three to Six. School camps give students the opportunity to become more confident and self-reliant in a secure environment away from home. The program is designed to introduce the school’s camping program and explores the student’s full potential through the facilitation of unique outdoor adventure experiences. Students attend a three day (two nights) camp at either a bush or seaside setting each alternate year.
The locality and camp programs are approved by the School Council and are all Department of Education & Training approved venues.
Excursions and Incursions
Each grade has excursions (outside school) and incursions (at school), which are held for specific educational purposes aligned with the Victorian Curriculum, so it is an expectation that all students attend.
Excursions/Incursions are generally selected to reinforce topics studied in the classroom. Students usually research prior to each excursion and the excursion itself acts as a catalyst for spontaneous oral and written expression. As well as excursions, there are some activities or experiences for students that come to the school, called incursions. These could be drama groups, puppets, storytellers, etc.
It is also important for all children to attend to extend knowledge, enjoyment and group participation. The annual Student Activity Levy covers the cost of these excursions/incursions.