Little Learners Love Literacy

At KVPS we use a structured literacy approach in Foundation and Year One. Our Literacy program is supported by evidence based research and includes, phonemic awareness, phonics, vocabulary, fluency and comprehension.
We teach using Little Learners Love Literacy (LLLL)- which is a systematic, synthetics phonics approach (SSP) for teaching children how to read, write and spell with confidence. It is carefully sequenced in seven stages to teach the 44 sounds of the English language and the principles of the alphabetic code. Each stage is sequentially taught and as associated decodable texts so that students can learn, practise and apply new skills whilst continuously consolidating their developing skills – working towards mastery.
For further information or resources, please visit - https://www.littlelearnersloveliteracy.com.au/
In conjunction with LLLL, we incorporate Heggerty Phonemic Awareness which are quick and fast-paced beginnings to literacy lessons in order to provide students with opportunities to build awareness and proficiency. The lessons include opportunities to make phoneme-grapheme connections and matching the sounds we hear to letters in print.
We also include the teaching of handwriting skills as an integral part of literacy learning. The teaching of handwriting includes letter formation, pencil grip, starting position and sequence.

Teaching Sequence