1:1 iPad Program
Keilor Views Primary School is a school community that empower all learners with the skills and dispositions to flourish. We have introduced 1-to-1 iPads from our Foundation students through to our Year 6 students, meaning we run a whole school 1-to-1 iPad Program. One of the school's key learning and teaching principles is to utilise innovative pedagogical practices that effectively integrate technology.
Through implementation of devices, students are able to leverage learning opportunities that are interactive, differentiated and collaborative. The precise application of technology and high-quality instruction enhances students’ learning.
KVPS integrates technology into all curriculum areas to enhance learning. Students have had the opportunity to explore learning with the iPad and their weekly specialist, STEM. Each student brings their own iPad to use at school for their learning, enabling communication and collaboration among peers and teachers, and connects parents to their child's learning. The 1-to-1 iPad Program is cutting edge and enables students to experience growth in many areas - self-confidence, organisation, motivation to learn and learning in a range of modalities.
Schools play an important role in introducing technology to children, ensuring it is used appropriately to enable efficient and effective learning and teaching practices and set up students for future success.
The development of technological devices such as laptop computers or tablets and the explosion of
online information enables our students to interact with and create high quality content and
resources that place students at the centre of learning to equip them with the
digital technology skills for their future.
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